Study day “a network of ideas” the castle of Somma Lombardo

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Cultural heritage, territorial valorization, opportunity:
The cultural association We Sum, in collaboration with the Art Association in Court and the Visconti di San Vito, promotes study day

A network of ideas and cultural heritage, territorial valorization, opportunity to be held Saturday 27 June at the Castello Visconti di San Vito di Somma Lombardo.
The initiative will be an occasion of comparison of system operators and landscape Museum, relating to the main management bodies of Varese and province of Milan, on the issues of territorial promotion and sharing of ideas. The end of the evening will be to create a synergy between different subjects for the development of the cultural and tourist development of the area, characterized by important natural resources and art historian.
Attend the evening before Zanella, Mauro Saluja, conservative Civic Archaeological Museum of Sesto Calende, Martin red for the Archaeology Museum Arsago Seprio, Emma Zanella Director of MAGA Gallarate.
On the subject of the protection and water management speak before and Burzilleri, Paul Baretti honorary Inspector Soprintendenza Archeologica Lombardy, Beatrice Downs Advisor of Parco del Ticino and Laura Burzilleri, General Director of Consorzio di Bonifica Est Ticino Villoresi.
To coordinate the event will be Laura Bernardinello, University of Florence.
The evening will be enhanced by a short refreshment by some manufacturers of excellence of the territory, with an introduction by Dino Crivelli, the representative of the Association the sieve.
The event will open at 19 with the greeting of the Visconti di San Vito Foundation and in the presence of the authorities and of distinguished guests. A network of ideas is a free initiative, designed to create debate and opportunity, and is aimed at tour operators and all the cultural territory, to citizens, students and associations.


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